As many of you know, my mother recently sold my childhood home. As anyone who has ever sold a house knows, it is a massive project, and I am so very proud of the Madre for managing to sort through, organize, and pack everything up to give away, sell, or move to the new place.
We had some great memories in that house. My parents took me home from the hospital to that house. We had birthday parties, cats, and serious life lessons at that house, and I am going to miss it now that a new family has inhabited it.
However, in the move, there was a significant amount of random junk of mine that Mom didn't know what to do with, and so she brought it to my house in DeKalb to sort through. I figured I'd take some representative pictures of pieces of my childhood, adolescence, and early college years. Because it's fun. :)
This is the good, the bad, and the stuff I just can't throw away (no matter how ugly). Some of it is embarrassing. But it still brings a smile to my face whenever I see it.
So, I'm not sure if you knew this...but I was the most BA 3 year old on the planet.
look at this! Ray Bans. waayyyy before my peers were rocking them. Talk about a trend setter.
Speaking of trend setter....bangs are back!!! And so is Lisa Frank. For 4 year olds anyway. Or 5...this may or may not have been my first day of kindergarten.
This is my junior prom portrait! That is a city triangles dress in "watermelon" (hahaha did a 16 year old pick that??) but I swear that if I ever got nominated for an academy award I would wear that color again in a heartbeat. I went to junior prom with a football player from my high school named Ben, a super great guy who sang in Varsity Choir with me. We had such a good time I hardly noticed that someone else wore my dress....
p.s that corsage was gorgeous. I dried it, but a couple years later it got tossed anyway because most of the rosebuds had returned to dust. But thats what we have pictures for.
When I graduated from high school, my twin cousin Olivia gave me a scrapbook with pictures from photo shoots we had taken as kids, posing in outfits of our own design (for your sake, I won't post those disasters). This is the note on the front of the book.
the book was a look back and a toast to the post high school life
"here's to college and jobs, all nighters, and buying houses and cars. I can't wait to keep going!"
me either :)
I didn't just go to college and get accepted to grad school (and pull a few all nighters along the way) but I also went to Italy with my amazing college roommate.
In the move, I found this watercolor of the Trevi Fountain that I bought when I went to Rome and had the best two weeks of my entire life with Liz and our friend Ana. I tossed two pennies into the fountain when I visited. One was to make a wish, and one was to ensure a return to the fountain someday (as is tradition). While I have to keep the exact details of my wish a secret, I'll have you know that my wish came true about 4 months later, but I have yet to return to the fountain. Regardless, that wish making at the Trevi is serious business.
But before I knew it, our family was changing in a lot of ways, including the arrival of our Chinese brother (YFU exchange brother to be exact)!
Clark lived at our house for a year, and attended high school with my sister while I tackled sophomore year as an undergrad at GVSU. This gorgeous Chinese hand mirror turned up in the boxes from the house that my Mom recently delivered. Looking at it reminds me of the Christmas vacation and summer I got to spend with him.
And speaking of sophomore year, it was this year that I met
(drumroll please)
ERIC! ...and lots of others whom I love.
In the move, I found ticket stubs everywhere. I still have no idea what to do with them, but for now I hope you enjoy the pictures.
The first I'll feature is the ticket stub from the time I went with Eric and his family to see Atlas Shrugged. That night Eric and I were supposed to meet his family at the movie theater, and while we were driving there, the breaks on the Buick park ave. he was driving gave out! Luckily there was no oncoming traffic and we were perfectly safe. However, the Buick took us on our last adventure that night :(
The next is from the time the Titanic exhibit came to the Henry Ford Museum.
Each of us got these boarding passes that detailed who we were on the ship. At the end of the exhibit we found out if we lived or not.
I was Mrs. John Jacob Astor. On the plus side I was apparently very rich, although I think my person was also pregnant, so everything really equaled itself out in that scenario. Eric was a third class passenger, so we were a regular Rose and Jack Dawson! Well, except I was married with a kid on the way. And Eric didn't make it. And they never met.
We clearly had WAY too much fun with this.
Finally, I dug out this little treasure.
No this isn't a ticket stub. It technically wasn't even lost, but when my Mom dropped off the boxes, I found a pretty little travel jewelry box, and decided to use it for our trip to Chicago. This bracelet was the first thing in the box, because I love wearing it. I got this for my birthday from my sister Caroline. They are glass beads from Italy, which she bought while touring Europe for a school trip. I has every color and goes with everything, so I end up wearing it all the time.
Moving is a pain in the butt. But in a house that was inhabited for as long as it was (by our family), I was bound to find some interesting stuff from the past.
While all this stuff is hard to organize and at times hard to part with (although I'm keeping a lot) the last 22 years have been pretty cool. I'm so excited to see what will come next.
So here's to getting jobs, buying houses and cars, having more adventures, and accumulating more ticket stubs.