One of the things that is really cool about going to grad school is meeting people who are into the same weird and obscure stuff that you are.
While I always really liked cognition as an area of the overall discipline that is Psychology, most of my close friends studied everything from biomedical sciences to film. Furthermore, the people that I did know who liked and studied psychology actually DISLIKED cognition - finding it on the whole complicated and abstract (which it is...and to be honest, I feel exactly the same way sometimes). By the way for those that don't know, cognition refers essentially to the study of mental processes. It examines everything from models of working and long term memory to event perception, argumentation and reading comprehension.
However, the cognition lab here is, in a word, awesome. Many of us take (or have taken) similar classes, read the same papers, and are familiar with many of the same debates, theories, and ideas -- thus our social interactions probably get some weird looks and raised eyebrows from people who devote their lives to different pursuits, but they end up getting some seriously important questions answered.
Well...maybe not.
But we have fun.
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