Saturday, November 24, 2012

Double Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving is a time for family. And there are all kinds of families -->
The family that you're born into, and the family that you form when you move away from the family you're born into.

Each of these families deserve a reunion around the holiday season, and several weeks ago our college "fam" got together to act like any other family does on Thanksgiving...

we raided the fridge

caught up with people we missed

debated important topics ending in fights

and posed for family photos

And since I was the one with the camera I wasn't in any of the here's one I had to take of myself to prove that I was, in fact, there.

A week and a half later was real Thanksgiving, which I celebrated with my real family.

Here I am with my Grandma, Mom, sister, and 17 pounds of roasted turkey :)

Our Thanksgiving was a lot like Thanksgiving with my college family.... we caught up with people we missed

debated important topics

and posed for family photos

...we also played games :)

This picture is awesome and hilarious. We're playing Pente. The object of the game is to get five pieces in a row. It seems simple enough but depending on who you're playing with it can be mind-bender of strategy. Eric and Caroline played it first, and Eric kept winning this stupid game...until he divulged the secret of his success to my sister, who subsequently adopted it and became a Pente force to be reckoned with. Here I am, losing to Eric (unaware of this strategy) while my sister sits back and laughs at me for not seeing "obvious" moves.

The best thing about Thanksgiving is definitely the leftovers, and since it's time for lunch, it's about time for me to take advantage of some of the leftover turkey in my fridge. I'm thankful for a lot of things, not the least of which is the fact that I won't have to go grocery shopping for the next week :)

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